Thursday, May 29, 2014

My Story

I am creating this blog in an attempt to not only tell my story (which is a part of my healing process), but to use as a sounding board to control my anxiety (caused by Bob or his actions), which at times has taken over my life.

Please understand that this is very hard for me and I am by no means doing this for attention or for anyone to feel sorry for me. Please don't feel like you have to comment, respond or contact me at all. I simply want to tell you my story and be able to post my frustrations in hopes to eliminate some of the stress and anxiety that encounter on a daily basis.

I have been a victim of abuse (this just sounds so stupid to say, I cant believe I'm doing this), Bob is manipulative, controlling and has verbally and physically abused myself and the kids. Leaving Bob was by far the hardest thing that I have ever done and I completely understand now why it took me so long and why others that are abused cant or don't get out. It is for sure easier to stay, then to leave an abusive man.

There are so many times in the last year where I could have easily given up and gone back. Bob has made it a complete hell for me, he has verbally abused me, harassed me and threatened me so many times in the last year. He has come into my house and gone through my stuff, checked my voice-mails, showed up unexpectedly in places he shouldn't be. He has bashed me to the kids, blamed me for everything and has done everything in his power to make me as miserable as he possibly can.

I am very proud to say though that I haven't given up, I get up everyday and thank God for helping me get where I am today and pray that he continues to work in my life so that I can finally someday be happy and have peace in my life. I also thank God for all my friends and family that believed (still believe) in me and supported my through this stinkin' journey. I feel so lucky to have the people in my life that I do, that I know I can count on anytime of the day. People that understand and are so patient with me, it must be frustrating to see me taking my little baby steps, giving Bob more chances then he ever deserves and not do things the way they would want me to.

I am hoping that this blog is the start of  a new journey for me!

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